Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last night, we had an especially noisy rain storm. John and I were woken us by several loud cracks of thunder around 3am. We love when it rains. The air is surprisingly less humid, and the temperature drops fifteen degrees. We had to ford a couple of streams in the three blocks between our apartment and the church this morning, but we don't mind being wet if it means being cool. When we arrived, we were reminded why the building project is so important. The plan is to begin construction on a sanctuary building very soon.

An example of the flooding that is common during a big storm

Most of the Americans and Canadians who live in Bucerias, only stay nine months out of the year. For those nine months, the weather is supposedly perfect. It is warm, balmy, and dry. Having an outdoor service is idyllic during those months of the year.

During the summer rainy season, however, things are a little different. It rains a lot, flooding the yard, awning, and fellowship areas. Sometimes, even the classrooms have a few inches of water on the floor. The pastors and volunteers (like us) spend the first few hours sweeping the water in to the gravel and out of the meeting areas. The chairs need to be wiped down one by one for most of the services during the monsoon season. The chairs also need to be soaped down every month or so to wipe off the accumulated grim from being stored under the awning outside. The plastic chairs also becom brittle over time and break from being in the sun. Being outside creates a lot of work for the pastors who are already streched thin between pastoring, working on construction, and their families.

 Pastors and laborers work on the second story roof

This morning, gravel had been washed from a pile in the construction area, to a thin layer covering the awning's concrete foundation. Not only did we need to sweep the water out, but we swept the gravel too.

Second story construction

When I first arrived, I didn't understand the need for a new building. Since I have seen how much extra time it takes to keep the premises clean, I am looking forward to the completion of the new sanctuary. Time and resources will be better spend when they don't have to clean leaves and water out of the rooms or roll out the sound equipment and projector screens every service.

The construction project has become John Mark's new primary job. Pastor Keith is hoping to get started on the main sanctuary as soon as they have finished the second story structure. They are planning to move the awning that they currently meet under to a different part of the yard as early as next week. They will begin pouring the foundation for the main support pillars where the awning currently stands.

Please pray that the job goes really quickly to conserve resources. They are paying for all the labor and materials out of pocket, which at times is tough on the church's finances. They have a lot of vision for other projects and ways to help the community, but this project needs to be finished before they can move forward with their other ideas. They are really excited about the new facilities, which will be very nice by Mexican standards.

Please also continue praying the the Mexican Government will give La Fuente Riviera a piece of land in San Vicente for a church. The La Fuente youth did an outreach there this week and several people were saved.The part of San Vicente they were in was very very poor. People were living in houses made of tarps and cardboard. That is not common around here. We are excited to see God moving in that area and would like to have a place to minister to the people there.
The youth lead worship for kids' camp

Thank you for all of your prayers. John and I love living down here and feel very privileged to be a part of something that is making a difference in the live of the local people. We often hear stories of people who are giving up drugs and alcohol (which are huge strongholds down here), kids who are choosing not to follow their parents in self-destructive lifestyles, Teens who are choosing abstinence (teen pregnancy is another big problem).

La Fuente puts a lot of emphasis on breaking cycles of poverty. They encourage people to get jobs, to marry the people they are living with, and generally move from a life of chaos to order. The result is much more profound than one would think. The culture in individual families changes when they bring their lives into order. They have hope and stability for the first time in their finances and relationships. It is amazing. The youth especially are experiencing a revival. We can't wait to see what God does next.

Grace and Peace to you,

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