Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hello from Guadalajara,

We are here in school and have just finished the first of three sessions. We feel like we are learning a lot. The program is very fast. We have quizzes everyday. We are learning 100-150 vocabulary words every week. There is a two week break between sessions, for which we are grateful. We are almost finished with out take-home tests, and have been enjoying the slower pace. My brain was feeling worn out from learning so much. We start up again next Monday.

Handicapped/pregnant lady parking at the grocery store

John's new best friend, Moli


Studying in the back yard

Backyard pets: rabbits, turkeys, and dogs

Centro, Guadalajara

San Juan de Dios Market: four floors!

Between studying and being worn out from studying, we haven’t explored the city as much as we would have liked, but we have been able to do a few things. We have gone to quite a few markets in different places in the city. San Juan de Dios is a huge market spanning several square blocks downtown. A person can buy food, herbs, leather products, men’s clothes, shoes, jewelry, pets, and more there. It was huge: four stories in some buildings. We also went to a ballet performance a couple weeks ago. It was really fun.

La Fuente Guadalajara

 A couple of weeks ago, La Fuente Guadalajara held their VBS. John and I had school off those days, so we were able to help out. The theme was The Jungle, and several of the teenagers from the church dressed up like jungle animals. It was fun, but made me miss the kids that I know back in Bucerías. I am looking forward to being back there where I have strong relationships with the kids.

Los Animales!

Helping at the VBS

Kids at the VBS

 Being in Guadalajara has been an adjustment. We have been starting over with new people and new relationships. We have met some great people, especially the family that we live with, our classmates, and our teachers. We are enjoying our time here, but we are looking forward to December when we will be done with school and back in Bucerías which is where our hearts are. Thank you very much for your prayers. I am so grateful for everyone who reads this blog, prays for us, and gives so that we can be here, doing what we feel like we are supposed to be doing. It is a great privilege.

 God Bless You,