Saturday, July 23, 2011

 The view from my bedroom

So, last week was a whirlwind as we hosted a team of 14 people from Canada. They helped with VBS at two missions, Punte de Mite and San Vicente; they completed a large part of the painting at the San Ignacio mission; they visited and helped with cleaning at a local orphanage; they made breakfast for feeding programs at the missions; and attended several services at the church. John organized their transportation, and I made their schedule. We were very happy to have their help. Thank you everyone from Medicine Hat. It was wonderful to meet you and we hope you had a good time here.

Saturday: Morning in San Ignacio for mission. The evening, they went to Jr. high youth group at La Fuenta Bucerias.

 Checking to make sure his sister had enough
 to eat

 Teaching the team some worship songs

doing crafts together

After mission, one of the kids had a birthday party at the local park, and we were all invited.
kids around the piñata

Sunday: The team taught Children's church at La Fuente Vallarta. They put together a skit about forgiveness and colored with the kids afterwards. 

 Acting out a parable from Matthew 18

Shopping at the market by the river near Puerto Vallarta's Romantic District

The van broke down on our way back to Bucerias

Monday: We spend the morning at the orphanage. The team brought balls and little toys for the kids. The team also helped with some cleaning around the center including changing sheets, sweeping, moping, cleaning windows, and so forth. They spent the afternoon painting in San Ignacio.

 Playground at the orphanage

 Playing a game together

 Little girl at the orphanage

 Painting inside and outside on the second story

and the inside of the first floor

Tuesday: Morning doing VBS in San Vicente. The group that does mission here sets up in a field in the middle of a new housing development. 
 Setting up the tent

 All ready

Memorizing their Bible verse

 We are praying that the Governor of the state of Nayarit will give La Fuente a piece of land in this area to build a church. The new development houses 10,000 people, but there are no churches here now.  Pastor Keith had a chance meeting with the Governor and discussed the potential in San Vicente. Please pray with us that the Governor will remember La Fuente before he leaves office in the next few months and gives us the land to plant another church.
The new housing development in San Vicente

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