Monday, May 16, 2011

No official news yet. We are still not sure when we are leaving.We have been in contact with our project leaders every few days, but we are still waiting. I guess the Haitian government gave the land for the university to the Haitian non-profit we are working with. Unfortunately, the non-profit is having trouble securing the deed.We've been told that they are sending someone down to the capital, Port-Au-Prince (a 3 hour plane ride or a miserable 8-hour bus ride each way), once a week without seeing much progress. They don't want to begin construction in earnest until they have the deed for the land.

Please pray that God's timing would direct this whole project. Haiti is a place famous for spiritual opposition. Please pray that the details would be worked out quickly and that opposition would not prevent the project from moving forward.
Thank you,

1 comment:

  1. love that you have a blog to keep everyone up to date!! We'll be praying!!
